T-Mobile launched the Research In Motion BlackBerry 8820, a QWERTY smartphone. Unlike the 8820 that has been available from AT&T for some time, the T-Mobile variant sports both a built-in GPS receiver and WiFi connectivity. The BlackBerry 8820’s WiFi allows it to be used with T-Mobile’s UMA-based HotSpot@Home service, which allows calls to be seamlessly transferred between a cellular network and a WiFi hotspot.
The BlackBerry 8820 also supports T-Mobile’s MyFaves service, which allows users to select 5 phone numbers which they can call with unlimited minutes. The BlackBerry 8820 uses trackball for navigation and has a microSD card slot for memory expansion. As a device clearly focused on business users, The 8820 does not have a camera.
The T-Mobile BlackBerry 8820 is available today with pricing set at $349.99 with a 2-year commitment.
Source mobileburn